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Why is it necessary to treat damaged veins?

Many people suffer from varicose veins but still used to ignore this and do not visit the vein clinic Long Island. These veins form one-way valves to block the backflow of blood. Due to this, it becomes leaky, and blood pools also the vein walls become weak. It causes them to be unable to handle the pressure of an increased amount of blood. These factors make the veins larger and twisted. It results in the shape and appearance of varicose veins. If you are also feeling the same, then it is time to do the vein treatment Long Island as you mustn’t ignore them.

The vein doctor Long Island assists you to get the proper treatment before the situation gets even worse. This article also tells you why it is necessary to treat damaged veins.

Let’s take a look at it:

Leg Swelling:

When the pressure builds, the fluid leaks from the blood in the tissues and it causes swelling. The leg swelling includes a tight sensation due to this an impression is always left while removing the socks and shoes. When the swelling increases your shoes does not fit into your leg as it becomes swollen. After this situation, sometimes the skin also leaks the yellowish or clear fluid. The vein specialist south shore suggests that symptoms can only be improved if you wear compression stockings. These socks come with leg elevation and special elastic that helps in reducing the swelling. In case, the swelling continuously increases, it leads to changes in skin color or tightening.

Skin Ulcers:

Due to the heavy swelling on your legs sometimes it happens that you are unable to feel the skin. It also takes time to heal from minor injuries. The vein specialist north shore Long Island tells that themajor reason is that the swollen tissue can prevent the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the tissue. The constant swelling also stops the healing and creates non-healing ulcers as well. The only key treatment of non-healing ulcers is reduced swelling.

Skin Infection:

When the skin gets swollen, the tissues also stretched. This conflicts with the body’s defense against the disease or infection. The presented bacteria on our skin enters our body and causes skin infections called cellulitis. Due to this, the swelling may increase and the particular area gets redness and warmth. To treat the infection, one has to take medication suggested by the vein center Long Island or try to reduce the swelling by therapy or home remedies.


The vein doctor Long Island tells that the varicose veins contain a lot amount of blood. When the skin gets cuts or hits there would be some amount of bleeding that you don’t even expect. If the skin doesn’t cuts or hits there may be itching or bruising on the particular area. It may take time to stop the bleeding if the injury is deep or large.

Summing Up!!

These are the worst situations that may take place if you ignore the damaged veins. It is crucial to ask for the vein treatment Long Island from the specialists before the situation gets even worst.